
Legal note/Impressum

Hamburg Ocean
Yacht deliveries and professional skippers
Behringstrasse 54
22763 Hamburg

Represented by:
Christian Liedmeier

Office +49 40 68 99 57 29 
Mobil +49 179 1043354

VAT ID acc. to §27a UStG German tax law: DE216937999 

Responsible for the content acc. to §55,2 RStV:
Christian Liedmeier

Images copyright
Christian Liedmeier
Adobe Stock


The European Commission is offering a platform for the regulation of online disputes which you can find here: We are not obliged to participate in this process of online dispute regulation, and Hamburg Ocean cannot offer such service. In case of any questions or complaint please contact us by email.

Limited liability for contents

As the provider of this website we are responsable for the original contents created by Hamburg Ocean acc. to § 7,1 TMG. These contents are free and freely accessible and were created by us with utmost care. Acc. to §§ 8 to 10 TMG Hamburg Ocean as the operator is not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third party contents nor to investigate the conditions under which these third party contents could be linked to actions of others that might be subject of conflict with applicable laws. Statements marked by name display the opinion of the author alone and not necessarily the opinion of the provider. Reading and using the free and freely accessible content will in no case result in a contractual relation with the provider as the legal binding will is unexistant.

The obligation to restriction of usage or deletion of information or contents according to applicable law remains unchanged. The liability related to such contents acc. to applicable laws is only possible after us being informed about the specific violation of rights. At the time of our information about the related violation of rights we will delete the contents without delay.

Limited liability for links

The content provided by Hamburg Ocean may contain links to third party content that we have no influence upon and thus are unable to take any liability for. That third partie’s content is only subject to the liability of creators or providers of the relevant websites. Hamburg Ocean has thoroughly checked all linked third party content by the time installing the specific link only when no kind of violation of rights and applicable law could be notices. The permanent monitoring or control of linked third party content without any indication of a violation of rights we are unable to provide. After we become informed about any violation of rights we will delete the repeated links without delay.


All content provided by the creators of these webpages is subject to copyright. It is only freely accessable for private information. Any type of reproduction, modification, distribution or commercial use are illegal violations of copyright and require the written permit of the author or owner of the copyright. Downloads and copies are only permitted for private purpose. Where ever providing contents created by third party authors Hamburg Ocean takes utmost care for respecting their existing copyrights. When informed about any violation of copyrights we will delete the content without delay.

Source:, translated by Hamburg Ocean